

In order to improve the IT-safety of the university’s net the current firewall of the Leibniz Universität Hannover and its policy are presently converted. In the course of this the network areas in the dormitories of the Studentenwerk Hannover are organized as client-network from the 20th October 2014 onwards:

  1. Rejection of incoming connections

    External data traffic will already be rejected at the Gateway-Firewall of the RRZN. That means that the computers in the dormitories cannot offer any (potentially unintended through safety problems caused) server services for the internet and are not available from the outside.

    These changes will not have any impact on the majority of the users.
  2. Filtering of outbound connections

    Outward connections when surfing the web or similar use of the internet are generally let pass. There are only a few exceptions, which affect only few records that are normally not meant for the internet. Only the SMTP for sending mails is still used occasionally. In this case it is recommended to switch to the submission protocol. Further details to this and how mail clients (e.g. Thunderbird, Webmail is not affected) can be changed you find on following web page:

    For the majority of the users an adjustment is not necessary, notably not for Webmail users. If there occur any problems when sending a mail after the 20th of October 2014, the new configurations must be carried out as described on the web page.

More details about the adjustment you will find on the following RRZN's web page:
and particularly about the mail clients on this extra page:

Status: October 2014
